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MEETING NOTES: April 20, 2024 Tannehill Ironworks Park, Bessemer, AL
In attendance:
Matthew Schroeder
Shane Coker
Freddy Wheeler
Rodney Green
Kris Cook
Cowboy & Patty Jones
James “Ghost” Johnson
Wayne “Wolf” Littrell
Kris passed out meeting notes from the previous meeting, along with a treasurer’s report. There was a motion by Freddy and a second by Cowboy to accept the notes from the 2/17/24 meeting and treasurer’s report as presented. On a voice vote, these documents were approved and are now a part of the records of Dixie ABATE.
We talked about whether we should set up at the Rally By the River, also known as Boogie Bottoms, the weekend of September 5-8. We talked about the CBA (Concerned Bikers Association – North Carolina) state party at Rider’s Roost, the weekend of August 9 & 10. Wolf will be going. It would support the CBA, which is North Carolina’s SMRO (State Motorcycle Rights Organization), just as Dixie ABATE is the SMRO for Alabama. Kris to set up the ABATE table at the upcoming VFW swap meet in Prattville.
We discussed whether it’s time to order long-sleeved gray shirts, and how to source them inexpensively. Rodney knows a business in Leeds that may be able to help us. We will discuss this at the next meeting.
Dixie ABATE’s Legislative Day is now set for the third Wednesday after the start of the legislative session. Whether we serve breakfast or not, we need to be there every year. It will be Wednesday, February 19, 2025. Matt will call Chief Hamilton and see if we can get the 6th floor elevator lobby again.
Should we skip this year and run another gun raffle fundraiser in 2025? Tabled until next meeting.
Kris ran through fatalities since the last meeting. We need to get our hands on all the statistics we can, regarding Alabama’s motorcycle fatalities. Where do we find those statistics?
We talked again about the need for a riding skills test in order to obtain an M endorsement. Will 2022 be the year we ask for that legislation? Maybe we can work with NHTSA. Maybe even secure some NHTSA funding for programs aimed at reducing fatalities. This will be on the agenda for the next meeting.
Freddie discussed the 2024 legislative session, which was a quiet one, regarding issues of interest to us. The time may be right to work on pushing for a skills test in 2025. We need to work on this now to have something to pre-file.
Kris and David Hoha to ask all of Alabama’s reps and senators to join the federal motorcycle caucus when they go to Washington, D.C. with the MRF in May.
We need more motorcycle-themed messages on the variable message signs that are up over Alabama’s interstates. Can we call someone with ALDOT?
After the Meeting of the Minds, on Sunday, September 29, we are all invited to Matt’s Mom’s for a cookout. The address is 6515 Mulberry Acres Lane, Cedar Hill, MO.
The next meeting is at 2PM on Saturday, June 15, in the volleyball pavilion at Moragne Park, 100 Moragne Avenue, Gadsden, AL