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June 20, 2020 – El Vecino Mexican Grill, Birmingham, AL

In attendance:

Kris Cook
Sherry Johnson
Jim Johnson
Brenda Matney
Justin Matney
Matthew Schroeder
Shane Coker
Rodney Green
Blythe Joslin
Donna Stormes

Kris passed out notes from the last meeting and a treasurer’s report. No exceptions were noted. The above documents are now on record.

We voted to let Kris drop Quickbooks and just keep the books on a spreadsheet, as the cost of Quickbooks has gone up to $26.50 per company per month. We have two companies, so it’s costing 53.00 a month. Kris has always paid this personally as a donation to Dixie ABATE, but she can no longer afford it, having her dad to support. Kris made the motion to drop it, Shane seconded, and it passed unanimously. Kris will pull all reports out of Quickbooks and will drop the service. We may pick it back up later when we get bigger and our fundraising is more robust.

Matt presented the latest MRF news. It mostly dealt with the House Transportation and Infrastructure bill passing out of committee (H.R. 2). It is called the “Investing in a new Vision for the Environment and Surface Transportation in America Act”, or “INVEST in America Act.” This act will authorize highway, transit, and rail programs through fiscal year 2025.
One amendment in particular is very good for us – it ensures that a motorcycle safety group is included in the DOT working group on autonomous vehicle deployment. It also requires that the unique profile and characteristics of motorcycles and riders must be included in any safety study of autonomous vehicles.

We told everyone that we were going to give Michael Steiber our bulldog trophy for ensuring that Alabama had a couple of reps that signed onto the anti-profiling resolution. Bradley Byrne, and Robert Aderholt signed on. We appreciate Michael and Freddy’s efforts to make that happen.
Matt is out of Life pins and the source is no longer selling them. We tabled pins, as we send out life rockers with life memberships. We will source more Life membership pins later. We did approve buying more Dixie ABATE pins. Kris to handle this. They will be the round ones we’ve had in the past.

Kris encouraged everyone to register for the Meeting of the Minds in Indianapolis the weekend of September 25th. We talked about gas pump ads. The Matneys will check on this.

Blythe told us about the Leather and Lace Magic Moments ride coming up on August 8.

Kris asked for information any time anyone learns of a motorcycle fatality in Alabama.

We talked about the Alabama Traffic Safety Center (ATSC), its training courses, and the possible role the people there could have when we get a riding test implemented. We will seek to have a meeting there with their management, which would include a mock riding test set up for us to take. Kris to call Rick Randolph and see if she can line that up. This would be in October, ideally.

It might be possible that the ATSC, which is in Montevallo, could become a “one’stop-shop” for both classes and license testing.

We welcome new member Donna Stormes!!

Our August state meeting and summer retreat will be held the weekend of August 22nd at The Secret Bed & Breakfast, 2356 AL-68, Leesburg, AL. The meeting itself is in the main guest house there at 2 PM on Saturday, August 22nd. Several of us are spending the night, as there is a nice rooftop pool there and plenty of accommodations. The number there is 256-523-3825.