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MEETING NOTES: June 17, 2023 Legacy Park Pavilion, Deatsville, AL

In attendance:
Richard Comston
Kris Cook
David “Animal” Reid
Laura “Sport” Reid
Matthew Schroeder
Carolyn Schroeder
Ken Palmer
Shane Coker
Joe Peterson
Brittany Peterson
Alan Patrick
Rebecca Patrick
Tracy Black
Lori “Ninje” Naile
Kelly “Leggs” Taylor
Amanda Nash
Blythe Joslin
Jackie Nesbitt
Donna “Stormy” Stormes
Ira “Cowboy” Jones

Kris passed out meeting notes from the previous meeting, along with a treasurer’s report. There was a successful motion to accept the notes from the 4/15/23 meeting and treasurer’s report as presented. These documents are approved and are now a part of the records of Dixie ABATE.
We discussed raising funds, specifically, a gun raffle versus the raffle of a prepaid VISA card versus the raffle of a certificate from a gun shop. No motion was made, so this question is tabled until the August meeting. In the meantime, Kris will consult with members who have extensive experience in fund-raising.
Matt talked about upcoming Accident Scene Management classes: July 8 at Riders H-D, and July 29 at Hooligan H-D. Both classes are sponsored by Mark Petro, with Petro Accident and Injury Attorneys in Birmingham. Matt also reminded everyone about the MRF’s Meeting of the Minds in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, the weekend of 9/21 – 9/24.
Blythe gave the Webmaster’s report. Our website has had 261 views in the last month, with most being direct traffic instead of driven by a link at a different website.
Kris handed out flyers for Slider Gilmore’s talk on October 14, 2023, and asked everyone to go ahead and buy a ticket as soon as possible, so that she will know whether she can set up food service or not. We need to sell out the room, which would be 60 more tickets.
Animal reported on recently-passed legislation in Alabama related to street gangs. Link:
(Introduced by Senators Will Barfoot & Allen Treadaway)
Summary of SB 143: Relating to crimes and offenses; to add Article 12, commencing with Section 13A-6-260, to Chapter 6 of Title 13A to the Code of Alabama 1975, to identify criminal enterprise members, to enhance penalties for any criminal activity that benefits, promotes, or furthers the interest of a criminal enterprise, and to establish mandatory consecutive penalties for any firearm possession in certain circumstances; to amend Section 12-15-204, Code of Alabama 1975, to require any juvenile 16 years of age or older to be tried as an adult for any criminal enterprise related criminal activity; and in connection therewith would have as its purpose or effect the requirement of a new or increased expenditure of local funds within the meaning of Section 111.05 of the Constitution of Alabama of 2022.
How does this affect us? Alabama is short on LEOs, and law enforcement experiences a high turnover rate. This means that there is a lack of education, which could translate to misinterpretation of the new law. We have to “keep our noses clean” because we sure don’t want to have to fight the heightened penalties that would be incurred if charged with a crime while being in a MC or RC, and that membership being misinterpreted by the judicial system. We tend to have patches and tattoos, which could lead to profiling.
Please take the 2023 Motorcycle Profiling Project questionnaire here:
Or to use your smartphone:
Kris gave the report from the MRF’s Bikers inside the Beltway, May 16, 2023: Three members from Alabama were there (In DC): Kris Cook, Randy Stearns and Devona Stearns. Having two teams meant we were able to cover every office: 7 Reps and 2 Senators.
Richard reported that the products database has been updated and double checked and is active. Our e-commerce web page works and we encourage our members to use it to buy hats and t-shirts.
All board positions expired at the end of last year and we need to plan an election this year. During the discussion, Animal made the motion that we roll all qualified board members for another year. The motion was seconded and carried. So now the question is, are any board members unqualified to remain in their positions?